While brainstorming with the staff of the Museums of Cassidy Park on how to attract and connect with younger visitors we came to the conclusion that tablets and smart phones were the interface to today’s youth. Media presented via a smartphone that related to the displays at the museums allowed for opportunities to engage with people in more ways. In order for any of this to work, the infrastructure would have to be in place to accommodate the streaming media. With this in mind, I donated the equipment and installation of a Wireless Network capable of providing Wifi coverage in and around the 3 museum buildings covering about %20 of Cassidy Park. The Mayor at the time was investing in the park building a splash park, and stages. The Wifi project fit right in with the current initiatives. The value of the donation was around $12,000.
The city of Bogalusa and the Museums of Cassidy Park did not have the IT staff to support such a network. Bourn Technology provided a support/service contract to maintain the network, and replace any parts required to keep the network working. We monitored the usage and reported those finding to the city as actionable intelligence information to show how the parks budget impacts the lives of citizens of Bogalusa.
* Update 2015: The network has been used by over 5000 people since being installed in late 2012. With average daily users at almost 40 users per day. The current and previous months usage data can be seen here.